There are many factors that come into play when it comes to securing access to clean and healthy drinking water. You have to consider the biochemical makeup of your water supply as well as water pressure, the specifications of your home plumbing system, and also your budgetary needs.

There are many different types of residential water purification systems that you could easily install in your home. We want to ensure that you are informed of all your options and that you can make an informed decision when choosing a suitable home purification system.

Activated Alumina Filter

Activated alumina is a filtration method where aluminum oxide removes fluoride, arsenic, selenium, and other chemical substances from your drinking water. The alumina has a porous surface that is capable of removing up to 99% of the fluoride content from your water supply.

Activated Carbon Filter

Activated carbon is also a unique purification method where a porous filtration material treats water by trapping pollutants and contaminants in the pores. Activated carbon can remove a lot of biochemical and organic material from your water because it has a large absorption surface. This kind of filter is often used in water pitchers and also in larger household filtration systems, making activated carbon a versatile option for purifying your home drinking water.

Ceramic Filter

Ceramic filters as well have a lot of small pores in them. Any contaminants that are larger than the pores will automatically be filtered out. Ceramic filters are popular for removing bacteria and traces of silver in your water supply. They also prevent mold and algae from entering your drinking water.

Reverse Osmosis Filtration

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is becoming an extremely popular option for residential water purification because it is a highly effective method in removing various harmful chemicals and hard minerals from your water supply. Water is forced through a porous membrane that catches virtually any contaminant, supplying you with ample purified water.

Installing RO filters in your home can be a costly investment because they come in a bulky system comprised of pre-filters, post-filters, and RO membranes. You can also install an under-the-sink RO system so that you can have access to purified water in any faucet in your home.

Ultraviolet Water Purifier

UV purification is where high-frequency lighting is used to expose your water supply to safe amounts of radiation that will kill all living micro-organisms. Everything will pass through a glass element that is responsible for irradiating your water supply.

Water Distillation

Distillation also offers a great deal of efficiency when it comes to removing sediments, chemicals, and hard minerals from your water supply. What happens is water is boiled into steam which is then colled down again into a liquid and collected in a clean container. In households, distillation is often used in countertop distillers for small families.

Water Pitchers and Faucet Filters

Water pitchers are a more common type of filter that is low cost and very replaceable. At the top top of the pitcher is a carbon activated filter which water flows through when you pour it into a glass. Water pitchers are usually limited to purifying tap water for drinking and cooking.

Faucet filters are a small device that you attach to it and removes contaminants from your tap water as it passes through the faucet. Faucet filters are also very common in households because they are inexpensive to install and they greatly improve and remedy any odors or a bad taste in your water supply.

Countertop Filters

Countertop filters differ from faucet filters in that you won’t have to continue refilling a huge water jug; the device is connected to your faucet and provides a continuous supply of clean and uncontaminated water. Countertop filters also do not take up a lot of space, but they are unfavorable in households where there is minimal countertop space in the first place.

Filtration Systems Under Your Sink

An under-the-sink filtration system enables to you have reliable access to clean and healthy water while also freeing up the limited space you have in your kitchen. An under-the-sink system is typically unwieldy, expensive, and they are not easy to install. However, they can process and purify a lot of water in a short amount of time.

Whole House Filtration

Whole house filtration is found in homes where the municipal or well water supply is so contaminated that something has to be done about it. The filtration system is installed in your water tank so that purified water is distributed throughout your home.


There are obviously many options to choose from when it comes to residential water purification, and you should carefully consider the filtration system that is right for you. What it all comes down to is preference. The last thing you want to do is invest in a filtration system that is not suitable for you and your family.

Do you have any questions regarding home purifiers and filtrations systems? Give us a call today! One of our team members will explain everything you need to know in greater detail.